Friday, May 17, 2024

Special issue: Rawls at 100; "Theory" at 50

Special issue of “Journal of Social Philosophy”: 

Rawls at 100; Theory at 50 (forthcoming Fall 2024)

Ed. by David Reidy

All the articles are now available online (early view):

David Reidy - "Editor's introduction"

David Reidy - "Rawls and American political traditions" [Paper]

Derrick Darby - "The fair value of voting rights"

Catherine Audard - "Addressing the rise of inequalities: How relevant is Rawls's critique of welfare state capitalism?"

Hannes Kuch - "Difficulties in nurturing a sense of justice"

J. Donald Moon - "Political liberalism today" [First page]

Samuel Freeman - "Ideal theory, political liberalism, and the well-ordered society" [First page]

Blain Neufeld - "Political activism, egalitarian justice, and public reason" [Paper]

Erin Kelly - "Accountability in criminal justice" [Paper]

Rex Martin - "Rawls's idea of human rights revisited" [First page]

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