Monday, July 29, 2024

Interview with Habermas on Ukraine and Europe

An interview with Jürgen Habermas on Ukraine, Europe and the new geopolitical constellation:

Der Westen kann die Backen nicht mehr aufblasen” [Open access]

(Futurzwei, no. 29 (2024), pp. 12-17).

The interview was conducted by Thomas Meaney on July 23, 2023.

It was originally published in the literary magazine "Granta" no. 165 (2023), entitled "Europe's Mistake" [Open access].

Thursday, July 25, 2024

An interview with Rahel Jaeggi

An interview with Rahel Jaeggi:

"Emanzipation dank Schreibmaschine

(brand eins, 08/2024, pp. 20-25)

Rahel Jaeggi's latest book is "Fortschritt und Regression" (Suhrkamp, 2023).

Monday, July 15, 2024

Preview of Habermas's forthcoming book

A preview of Habermas's forthcoming book "Es musste etwas besser werden …" (September 2024) is now available:

Leseprobe - Es musste etwas besser werden (PDF)

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Audio: Philipp Felsch on Habermas

Philipp Felsch, who earlier this year published a book on Jürgen Habermas ("Der Philosoph: Habermas und wir") talks with Claudia Christophersen (NDR):

"Philipp Felsch über Habermas: Spricht nicht aus dem Elfenbeinturm" (audio, 55 minutes)

(NDR Radio, 08-07-2024)