Sunday, December 22, 2024

Axel Honneth on moral progress (video)

On December 16, Axel Honneth held the Jan Patočka Memorial Lecture 2024 in Vienna: 

The Standpoint of Moral Progress. A Defence in Kantian Spirit (video)  

0:07: Lecture

1:02: Q&As

Abstract: "Today, the idea that there has been moral progress in human history is highly controversial and contested. Many intellectuals from various camps consider it impossible, if not immoral, to claim that there has been anything in the historical past that can be called an improvement in moral attitudes and the application of moral principles. The reasons for this strong rejection of the idea of moral progress are either empirical or normative: either it is claimed that the historical facts strongly contradict such progress, or that there is no sufficiently impartial perspective from which to judge such progress. This lecture aimed to show that both objections can be refuted if one has a proper understanding of the perspective from which to claim a past process of moral progress; this perspective must not only be constantly self-critical, but must also construct the history to be told about the moral past very differently from all previous such narratives."

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