Ed. by Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit, & Thomas W. Pogge
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2007 - paperback January 2012)
912 pages
Political philosophy has become an increasingly active area of research over the past four decades. In response to the growing interest in the field, this new edition of A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy has been extended significantly to include fifty–five chapters across two volumes written by some of today’s most distinguished scholars. Straddling analytic and continental philosophy, the first part of the Companion considers the contributions of economics, history, law, political science, international relations and sociology to normative political thought. The collection then provides analyses of eight live political ideologies, including new chapters on Cosmopolitanism and Fundamentalism, and detailed discussions of key concepts, with much expanded coverage of international politics and global justice. New contributors include some of today’s most distinguished scholars, among them Thomas Pogge, Charles Beitz, and Michael Doyle.
From the Preface to the Second Edition (2007)
The second edition of the Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, prepared over a dozen years after the first, has been thoroughly revamped in order to take account of recent developments in the subject. Most of the entries from the first edition have been rewritten by the original hands, with a few being supplemented by other authors where the original was no longer available; a few have been penned afresh by new hands; and a range of extra entries have been added. Where there were just over forty chapters in the original work, there are nearly sixty in this.
1. Analytical Philosophy [pdf] - Philip Pettit 2. Continental Philosophy - David West 3. History - Richard Tuck 4. Sociology - Kieran Healy 5. Economics - Geoffrey Brennan 6. International Political Economy - Richard Higgott 7. Political Science - Robert E. Goodin 8. International Relations - Helen V. Milner 9. Legal Studies - Tom Campbell
Part II: Major Ideologies
10. Anarchism - Richard Sylvan & Robert Sparrow 11. Conservatism - Anthony Quinton & Annie Norton 12. Cosmopolitanism - Thomas Pogge 13. Feminism - Jane Mansbridge & Susan Moller Okin 14. Liberalism - Alan Ryan 15. Marxism - Barry Hindess 16. Fundamentalisms - R. Scott Appleby 17. Socialism - Peter Self & Michael Freeden
Part III: Special Topics
18. Autonomy - Gerald Dworkin 19. Civil Society - Rainer Forst 20. Community and Multiculturalism - Will Kymlicka 21. Contract and Consent - Jean Hampton 22. Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law - C. L. Ten 23. Corporatism and Syndicalism - Bob Jessop 24. Criminal Justice - Nicola Lacey 25. Democracy - Amy Gutmann 26. Dirty Hands - C. A. J. Coady 27. Discourse - Ernesto Laclau 28. Distributive Justice [pdf] - Peter Vallentyne 29. Efficiency - Russell Hardin 30. Environmentalism - John Passmore & Stephen Gardiner 31. Equality - Richard J. Arneson 32. Federalism - William H. Riker & Andreas Føllesdal 33. Historical Justice - Martha Minow 34. Human Rights - Charles R. Beitz 35. International Distributive Justice [pdf] - Philippe Van Parijs 36. Intellectual Property - Seana Valentine Shiffrin 37. Just War - Jeff McMahan 38. Legitimacy - Richard E. Flathman 39. Liberty - Chandran Kukathas 40. Personhood - Timothy Mulgan 41. Power - Frank Lovett 42. Property - Andrew Reeve 43. Republicanism - Knud Haakonssen 44. Responsibility: Personal, Collective, Corporate - Christopher Heath Wellman 45. Rights - Jeremy Waldron 46. Secession and Nationalism - Allen Buchanan 47. Sociobiology - Allan Gibbard 48. Sovereignty and Humanitarian Military Intervention [pdf] - Michael Doyle 49. The State - Patrick Dunleavy 50. States of Emergency - David Dyzenhaus 51. Toleration - Stephen Macedo 52. Totalitarianism - Eugene Kamenka 53. Trust and Social Capital - Bo Rothstein 54. Virtue - William A. Galston 55. Welfare - Alan Hamlin
This is the first comprehensive account of Kant's cosmopolitanism, highlighting its moral, political, legal, economic, cultural and psychological aspects. Contrasting Kant's views with those of his German contemporaries and relating them to current debates, Pauline Kleingeld sheds new light on texts that have been hitherto neglected or underestimated. In clear and carefully argued discussions, she shows that Kant's philosophical cosmopolitanism underwent a radical transformation in the mid 1790s and that the resulting theory is philosophically stronger than is usually thought. Using the work of figures such as Fichte, Cloots, Forster, Hegewisch, Wieland and Novalis, Kleingeld analyses Kant's arguments regarding the relationship between cosmopolitanism and patriotism, the importance of states, the ideal of an international federation, cultural pluralism, race, global economic justice and the psychological feasibility of the cosmopolitan ideal. In doing so, she reveals a broad spectrum of positions in cosmopolitan theory that are relevant to current discussions of cosmopolitanism.
Introduction 1. World citizens in their own country: Wieland and Kant on moral cosmopolitanism and patriotism 2. Universal republic of world citizens or international federation?: Cloots and Kant on global peace 3. Global hospitality: Kant's concept of cosmopolitan right 4. Hierarchy or diversity?: Forster and Kant on race, culture, and cosmopolitanism 5. International trade and justice: Hegewisch and Kant on cosmopolitanism and globalization 6. Cosmopolitanism and feeling: Novalis and Kant on the development of a universal human community 7. Kant's cosmopolitanism and current philosophical debates.
Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch (Frankfurt/Münster): Die Rationalität des modernen Rechts. Zur Rekonstruktion und Revision des Historischen Materialismus im Werk von Jürgen Habermas
Regina Kreide (Gießen): Soziale Evolution und Lernblockaden
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Georg Lohmann (Magdeburg): Ernüchterte Geschichtsphilosophie. Zur Rolle der Geschichtsphilosophie in Habermas’ kritischer Gesellschaftstheorie
Klaus Erich Kaehler (Köln): Hegel, Marx und das moderne Subjekt. Anmerkungen zu Habermas’ Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne
Hauke Brunkhorst (Flensburg): Wiederkehr der Krise? – Revisionen des Marxistischen Theorieprogramms
Agnes Heller (Budapest/New York): Meine Habermas-Rezeption vor 35 Jahren
"In seiner jüngsten Monographie „Das Recht der Freiheit“ unternimmt Axel Honneth den ehrgeizigen Versuch, die Rekonstruktion der Kriterien sozialer Gerechtigkeit auf Grundlage der für die zentralen Institutionen westlich-liberaler Gesellschaften konstitutiven normativen Ansprüche mit einer umfassenden kritischen Zeitdiagnose zu verbinden. In dieser Veranstaltung wird es vor allem darum gehen, letzteren Anspruch auf den Prüfstand zu stellen: Was hat es mit Honneths grundlegender These auf sich, dass das „Wir“ persönlicher Beziehungen, das „Wir“ marktwirtschaftlichen Handelns und das „Wir“ demokratischer Willensbildung als Formen der „Wirklichkeit der Freiheit“ begriffen werden können? Zu diesem Zweck wurden Forscher_innen aus den Bereichen der Sozial- und Geschlechtergeschichte, der Wirtschafts-/Sozialwissenschaften sowie der Rechts- und Demokratietheorie zu einer Podiumsveranstaltung mit Axel Honneth eingeladen, um seine Zeitdiagnose einer kritischen Diskussion zu unterziehen."
See my post on Honneth's latest book here - and links to reviews here.
At his website at Stanford University, Professor Allen Wood has posted four papers:
1. Kant on Practical Reason (Forthcoming in "Kant and Practical Justification", Oxford University Press). Here I attempt to explicate the account of practical reason presented by Kant in the Groundwork, and to relate it critically to some contemporary conceptions of practical reason.
2. Kant and Agent-Oriented Ethics (Published in "Perfecting Virtue", Cambridge University Press, 2011). A critical discussion of virtue ethics and the relation of Kant's moral philosophy to it.
3. Hegel's Political Philosophy (Published in "A Companion to Hegel", Routledge 2011). A succinct account of Hegel's theory of the modern state, together with background information about its history and political context.
Allen Wood is Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University. He is the author of "Hegel’s Ethical Thought" (Cambridge University Press, 1990), "Kant’s Ethical Thought" (Cambridge University Press, 1999), and "Kantian Ethics" (Cambridge University Press, 2007). Allen Wood is also Ward W. and Priscilla B. Woods Professor Emeritus at Stanford University.
"The opening panel will bring together various perspectives on current situations of upheaval: The global consequences of the financial crisis have already long been raising questions as to our conception of democracy and the extent to which society’s normative orders are of our own making. How can we describe the current transformations? What future will emerge from the present upheavals? And how can they be influenced politically, if at all?
Excerpt: "Taylor (....) shows how there are tensions internal to our modern conception of political legitimacy that make contestation of any given political identity inevitable. Since legitimate authority is an expression of "we, the people", there is an inherent pressure to democratic inclusion. However, various functional requirements threaten to make this inclusion a homogenizing process in a way that threatens particular identifications. Unable to accommodate hierarchies of different groups, owing to its constitutive egalitarianism of status, the modern democratic state works essentially by a forced inclusion. This leads, at its limit, to ethnic cleansing in cases where, as Michael Mann puts it, "demos" is identified with "ethnos". Drawing on the work of Anderson, Calhoun, Gellner and Liah Greenfeld, Taylor argues convincingly that no explanation of nationalism can be wholly state focused: a deeper account needs to examine the underlying changes in our collective social imaginaries that make it possible for a society to conceive of itself as a society of equals, acting freely in secular time, where each citizen stands in a direct and unmediated relationship to the state. If the modern conception of political legitimacy requires collective deliberation on the part of all, then any denial of expression to a minority group is bound to generate a nationalistic counter-pressure."
See my previous post on Charles Taylor's book here (with links to some of his essays).
Alan Thomas is Professor of Philosophy at Tilburg University. He is the author of "Thomas Nagel" (Acumen Press, 2009).
Excerpts: ... one is naturally surprised to read Hayek saying that the differences between himself and John Rawls are "more verbal than substantial", and that Rawls and Hayek agree on "the essential point," which is that principles of justice apply to the rules of institutions and social practices, but not to distributions of particular things across specific persons. [....] Hayek claimed that people had misread Rawls, ignoring his point that if a distribution results from just institutions it is just no matter what it is. Yet it clearly seems that for Rawls, justice in institutions was itself defined at least partly in distributive terms. If one thinks of the familiar contrast between old, or classical liberalism and new, or social justice liberalism, Rawls is clearly a social justice liberal. So how could Hayek have claimed to be in agreement with Rawls? This is the historical and interpretive puzzle I want to address in my lecture tonight.
[....] at the level of normative principle, Hayek is in many ways a Rawlsian. I will outline four main areas of convergence: the importance of 'pure procedural justice', the irrelevance of merit, the use of a veil of ignorance, and the principle the inequalities should benefit everyone."
Andrew Lister is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. See his blog here.