The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy
Edited by George Klosko
(Oxford University Press, 2011)
864 pages
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy presents fifty original essays, each specially written by a leading figure in the field, covering the entire subject of the history of political philosophy. They provide not only surveys of the state of research but substantial pieces that engage with, and move forward, current debates.
I. Approaches
1: Mark Bevir: The Contextual Approach
2: Catherine Zuckert: The Straussian Approach
3: Joshua Dienstag: Postmodern Approaches to the History of Political Thought
4: Terence Ball: The Value of the History of Political Philosophy
5: John Gunnell: History of Political Philosophy as Discipline
II. Chronological Periods
6: Danielle Allen: The Origins of Political Philosophy
7: Daniel Devereux: Classical Political Philosophy: Plato & Aristotle
8: Phillip Mitsis: Hellenistic Political Theory
9: Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe: Early Christian Political Philosophy
10: Donald Kelley: Influence of Roman Law
11: Charles Butterworth: Arabic Contributions to Medieval Political Theory
12: Janet Coleman: Medieval Political Theory c. 1000-1500
13: Mikael Hörnqvist: Renaissance Political Philosophy
14: Michael Baylor: Political Thought in the Age of the Reformation
15: Anthony Pagden: The School of Salamanca
16: Jeffrey Collins: The Early Modern Foundations of Classic Liberalism
17: Mark Goldie: Absolutism
18: Richard Whatmore: Enlightenment Political Philosophy
19: Neil McArthur: Scottish Enlightenment
20: Jeremy Jennings: Early Nineteenth-Century Liberalism
21: Paul Redding: German Idealism [pdf]
22: Jonathan Beecher: Socialism
23: Terrell Carver: Marxian Tradition
24: David Weinstein: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Liberalism
25: Peter Lassman: Political Philosophy and the Idea of a Social Science
26: George Klosko: Contemporary Political Philosophy: Anglo-American
27: Stephen White: Contemporary Continental Political Thought
28: Terry Nardin: Political Philosophy in a Globalizing World
III. Themes
29: Mark Warren: Democracy
30: Kenneth Pennington: Rights
31: Christopher W. Morris: The State
32: Daniel Philpott: Sovereignty
33: Johann Sommerville: The Social Contract
34: Richard Bellamy: Citizenship
35: David Schmidtz: Property [pdf]
36: Jonathan Wolff: Equality
37: Raymond Plant: Freedom
38: Bernard Boxill: Douglass and Hobbes on Fear, Imagination, and Slavery
39: Krishan Kumar: Imperialism
40: Donald Moon: The Idea of the Welfare State
41: Eric Mack: Libertarianism
42: Perez Zagorin: Religious Toleration
43: Richard Dagger: Republicanism
44: George Klosko: Political Obligation
45: Marshall Shatz: Anarchism
46: Nancy Hirschmann: Feminism
47: Julian Franklin: Animal Rights and Political Theory
IV. Non-Western Perspectives
48: David Wong: Confucian Political Philosophy
49: Shahrough Ahkavi: The Muslim Tradition of Political Philosophy
50: Dennis Dalton: Hindu Political Philosophy
George Klosko is Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professor, Department of Politics, University of Virginia. He is the author of "Democratic Procedures and Liberal Consensus" (Oxford University Press, 2000) and "Political Obligations" (Oxford University Press, 2005).
See 30 online articles by George Klosko here.
1 comment:
As amateur deeply interested on political theory, I really enjoy your postings. Thank you very much for keeping this place up.
About this book, there is a perhaps naive question that I wanted to ask: do you have a reason to explain why there is not entry about justice?
All the best,
Oscar Gomez
Sendai, Japan
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