New Perspectives on Distributive Justice
Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus
Ed. by Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimsek
(De Gruyter, 2018), 564 pages
Introduction: Two Opposing Conceptions of Distributive Justice - Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek
Part I. Deep Disagreements
1. Deep Disagreements on Social and Political Justice: Their Meta-Ethical Relevance and the Need for a New Research Perspective - Manuel Knoll
2. Are There Irreconcilable Conceptions of Justice? Critical Remarks on Isaiah Berlin - Ulrich Steinvorth
3. Equality beyond Liberal Egalitarianism: Walzer’s Contribution to the Theory of Justice - Michael Haus
4. Stuart Hampshire and the Case for Procedural Justice - Giovanni Giorgini
5. Public Reason in Circumstances of Pluralism - Bertjan Wolthuis
6. Does Rawls’s First Principle of Justice Allow for Consensus? A Note - Manuel Knoll & Nurdane Şimşek
Part II. Ancient Perspectives and Critiques of the Centrality of Justice
7. Aristotle on Natural Right - Francisco L. Lisi
8. What Is “Just in Distribution” in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Politics – Too Much Justice, Too Little Right - Eckart Schütrumpf
9. Justice in Ethics and Political Philosophy: A Fundamental Critique - Christoph Horn
10. Justicitis - Chandran Kukathas
Part III. The Problem of Consensus
11. Rawls on Overlapping Disagreement and the Problem of Reconciliation [abstract] - Alberto L. Siani
12. Public Reason, Compromise within Consensus, and Legitimacy [abstract] - Chong-Ming Lim
13. From Consensus to Modus Vivendi? Pluralistic Approaches to the Challenge of Moral Diversity and Conflict [abstract] - Ulrike Spohn
14. What Bonds Citizens in a Pluralistic Democracy? Probing Mouffe’s Notion of a Conflictual Consensus - Manon Westphal
15. Citizenship, Community, and the Rule of Law: With or Without Consensus? [draft] - Michał Rupniewski
16. Political Liberalism: The Burdens of Judgement and Moral Psychology - Peter Caven
Part IV. Expanding the Perspective on Obligations
17. John Rawls and Claims of Climate Justice: Tensions and Prospects [abstract] - Angela Kallhoff
18. Assistance, Emergency Relief and the Duty Not to Harm: Rawls’ and Cosmopolitan Approaches to Distributive Justice Combined [abstract] - Annette Förster
19. Global Collective Obligations, Just International Institutions and Pluralism - Bill Wringe
20. Intergenerational Justice in the Age of Genetic Manipulation - Stephen Snyder
Part V. Diversifying the Perspective
21. The Contours of Toleration: A Relational Account [draft] - Kok-Chor Tan
22. Constructing Public Distributive Justice: On the Method of Functionalist Moral Theory - Chad van Schoelandt & Gerald Gaus
23. Respect as an Object of Equal Distribution? Opacity, Individual Recognition and Second-Personal Authority [draft] - Elena Irrera
24. Responsibility and Justice: Beyond Moral Egalitarianism and Rational Consensus - Maria Dimitrova
25. Habermas’s and Rawls’s Postsecular Modesty [abstract] - Tom Bailey
Part VI. The Difference Principle
26. A Defense of the Difference Principle beyond Rawls [abstract] - Peter Koller
27. Marxist Critiques of the Difference Principle - Aysel Demir
Part VII. The Economic Perspective: Adam Smith
28. Justice, Equity, and Distribution: Adam Smith’s Answer to John Rawls’s Difference Principle - Jeffrey Young
29. Statism and Distributive Injustice in Adam Smith - Barry Stocker
The book is based on papers presented at a conference on "Pluralism and Conflict: Distributive Justice Beyond Rawls and Consensus" in Istanbul June 2013.
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