On May 18-19, 2009, an international conference on "The Philosophy of Jürgen Habermas" took place at the University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary. Jürgen Habermas participated and responded to the presentations.
Conference programme:
May 18, Monday
Greeting Prof. Robert Gabriel, Rector; Prof. Ferenc Fischer, Dean
Morning Session Chair Lutz Wingert
Ágnes Heller (New York – Budapest): Habermas on Post-Secular Society and Post-Metaphysical Philosophy
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh): Towards Reconciling Two Heroes: Habermas and Hegel [Online]
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Jolán Orbán (Pécs): Kritische Theorie und dekonstruktive Praxis – Habermas und Derrida
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Afternoon Session Chair János Weiss
Luigi Tassoni (Catanzaro – Pécs): Alter & Ego: Habermas
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
István Fehér M. (Budapest): Positivismusstreit, Hermeneutik, Ideologiekritik. Rückblick auf zwei Debatten
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Jürgen Habermas (Starnberg): Von den Weltbildern zur Lebenswelt. Zur Genealogie eines Begriffs /From Worldviews to the Lifeworld: On the Genealogy of a Concept
May 19, Tuesday
Morning Session Chair István M. Fehér
János Weiss (Pécs): Zur Transformation der Kolonialisierungsthese
(Hinsichtlich der neuesten Wirtschaftskrise)
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Hauke Brunkhorst (Flensburg): Düstere Aussichten – Die Zukunft der Demokratie in der Weltgesellschaft
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Lutz Wingert (Zürich): Über die Autorität der zweiten Person/The Authority of the Second Person
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Afternoon Session Chair Hauke Brunkhorst
Gábor Felkai (Budapest): Nachholende Revolution oder missbrauchte Demokratie. Der Fall Ungarns
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
Matjaz Potrc and Vojko Strahovnik (Ljubljana): Transvaluating Frankfurt [Online]
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
János Boros (Pécs): Die Demokratie von Jürgen Habermas
Response of Jürgen Habermas; Discussion
General Discussion
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