In this book by John Rawls you will find two new texts: Rawls's undergraduate senior thesis submitted to the philosophy department at Princeton University in 1942 - "A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith: An Interpretation based on the Concept of Community” - and a short essay written in 1997 - "On My Religion".
Joshua Cohen & Thomas Nagel - Introduction (pp. 1-23)
Robert Merrihew Adams - The Theological Ethics of the Young Rawls and its Bavkground (pp. 24-102)
John Rawls - A Brief Inquiry into The Meaning of Sin and Faith (pp. 103-258)
(1) A General Prospectus
(2) Vindication of the Natural Cosmos
(3) The Extented Natural Cosmos
(4) The Meaning of Sin
(5) The Meaning of Faith
John Rawls - On My Religion (pp. 259-269)
Read also William Galston's comment on the Cohen/Nagel-essay in The New Republic.
Professor Eric Gregory of the Princeton religion department discovered Rawls's undergraduate senior thesis in the Princeton library and has written an article on the document: "Before the Original Position: The Neo-Orthodox Theology of the Young Rawls”, Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 35 no. 2 (2007), pp. 179-206.
You may raise the question: Is it morally correct to publish Rawls's senior thesis, which was never meant for the public and when we know that Rawls would have disapproved it strongly?
Thomas Pogge - who has written an excellent book on Rawls ("John Rawls - His Life and Theory of Justice", Oxford University Press, 2007) - has a brief comment on this question here.
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