Axel Honneth: Critical Essays
Ed. by Danielle Petherbridge
(Brill, 2011)
439 pages
Axel Honneth: Critical Essays brings together a collection of critical interpretations on the work of Axel Honneth, from his earliest writings on philosophical anthropology, his reappraisal of critical theory and critique of post-structuralism, to the development and extension of the theory of recognition, his debate with Nancy Fraser and his most recent work on reification. The book also includes a comprehensive reply by Axel Honneth that not only addresses issues and concerns raised by his critics but also provides significant insights and clarifications into his project overall.
Content [pdf]
Axel Honneth’s Project of Critical Theory - Danielle Petherbridge
1. Situating Axel Honneth in the Frankfurt School Tradition [pdf] - Joel Anderson
2. Reflective Critical Theory - Jean-Philippe Deranty
3. Recognition and the Dynamics of Intersubjectivity - Johanna Meehan
4. Social Solidarity and Intersubjective Recognition - Max Pensky
5. Recognition, Pluralism and the Expectation of Harmony - Bert van den Brink
6. Power, Recognition, and Care - Robert Sinnerbrink
7. The Theory of Recognition and Critique of Institutions - Emmanuel Renault
8. Recognition: A Theory of the Middle? - Carl-Göran Heidegren
9. The Social Dimension of Autonomy - Antti Kauppinen
10. First Things First: Redistribution, Recognition and Justification [Abstract] - Rainer Forst
11. Recognition, Culture and Economy: Honneth’s Debate with Fraser - Nicholas H. Smith
12. Social Pathologies as Second-Order Disorders - Christopher Zurn
13. The Nugget and the Tailings. Reification Reinterpreted in the Light of Recognition - Alessandro Ferrara
14. Rejoinder - Axel Honneth
Danielle Petherbridge is Lecturer in Philosophy at University College Dublin. She is co-editor (with Jean-Philippe Deranty, John Rundell & Robert Sinnerbrink) of "Recognition, Work, Politics: New Directions in French Critical Theory" (Brill, 2007).
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