Justice in a Globalized World
A Normative Framework
by Laura Valentini
(Oxford University Press, 2012)
232 pages
In this book, Laura Valentini offers an in-depth critique of the two most prominent answers to this question, cosmopolitanism and statism, and develops a novel normative framework for addressing it. Central to this framework is the idea that, unlike duties of assistance - which bind us to help the needy - duties of justice place constraints on the ways we may legitimately coerce one another. Since coercion exists domestically as well as internationally, duties of justice apply to both realms. The forms of coercion characterizing these two realms, however, differ, and so the content of duties of justice varies across them. Valentini concludes that given the nature of existing international coercion, global justice requires more than statist assistance, yet less than full cosmopolitan equality.
Content [Preview]
1. Introduction: The Problem of Global Justice [Preview]
Part I: Cosmopolitanism
2. Assessing the Cosmopolitan Ideal
3. Justifying Cosmopolitanism
Part II: Statism
4. Assessing the Statist Ideal
5. Justifying Statism
Part III: A Normative Framework
6. The Function of Justice
7. The Content of Justice
8. The Scope of Justice
9. Conclusion
Laura Valentini is a Lecturer in Political Philosophy at University College London.
Two papers by Laura Valentini:
* "Social Liberal or Cosmopolitan?" [pdf, review of David Miller]
* "Coercion and (Global) Justice" [pdf]
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