Sunday, June 27, 2021

New Book: Radical Proceduralism

Radical Proceduralism

Democracy from Philosophical Principles to Political Institutions

by Dannica Fleuß

(Bingley: Emerald, 2021)

236 pages


Democratic politics depend on citizen participation, trust and support. While this support in democratic institutions and political elites is declining, public and scholarly discourse frequently suggests counteracting the challenge by strengthening the role of experts in political decision-making, yet such reform proposals convey a paternalistic threat that contravenes fundamental democratic principles.

Proposing an alternative, 'radical proceduralist' understanding of democratic legitimacy and institutional reform, Radical Proceduralism argues that there is no such thing as 'political truth' or 'correctness' that could justify experts wielding political power. Rather, the only criterion for democratic legitimacy is the fair and equal inclusion of all affected citizens.

Radical Proceduralism bridges the gap between political philosophy and practical institutional experimentation asking us to bring citizens back in and to engage them in a dialogue about 'the rules of the democratic game' and proposing institutional devices that figure as 'conversation starters' and facilitate such dialogues.

Contents [pdf] [Preview]

Introduction: Democratic Legitimacy, Democratic Crises, Everyday (Political) Practice

1. Bridging the Gap between Principles and Institutions: Meta-theoretical and Methodological Considerations

2. Procedure, Substance, Democratic Legitimacy: A Framework for the Debate

3. Two Forms of Proceduralism: Rawls’s and Habermas’s Theories of Democratic Legitimacy

4. Normative Proceduralism and Its Limitations in “Post-metaphysical” Political Theory

5. Radical Proceduralist Ideals: A Discursive Account

6. Institutional Designs as Conversation Starters: Ask Citizens, Not Philosophers!

7. Conclusion: Democratic Institutions for Radical Proceduralists and Other Citizens

Dannica Fleuß is a Research Fellow at Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg and a Research Associate at the Center for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance. 

Her dissertation from 2016 is available here: "Prozeduren, Rechte, Demokratie. Das legitimatorische Potential von Verfahren für politische Systeme" [pdf]

Friday, June 25, 2021

Interview with Rainer Forst

 Interview with Rainer Forst in "Frankfurter Rundschau", June 25, 2021:

"Politik ohne Vernunft führt ins Verderben"

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fabienne Peter on Political Legitimacy

Fabienne Peter (Warwick) will give the 2021 Wittgenstein Lectures (University of Bayreuth) via Zoom on June 28 - July 2:

The Grounds of Political Legitimacy

Lecture 1: What Makes Political Decisions Legitimate?

Lecture 2: Why Democracy?

Lecture 3: The Value of Political Deliberation

Lecture 4: Norms of Political Deliberation

Lecture 5: Is Political Deference Ever Warranted? 

More information here.

Fabienne Peter is the author of "Democratic Legitimacy" (Routledge, 2008).

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Axel Honneth's Benjamin Lectures

On June 16, 17 & 18, 2021, Axel Honneth will give the Benjamin Lectures on "Der arbeitende Souverän. Eine demokratische Theorie der Arbeitsteilung“ at the open-air cinema Hasenheide, Neukölln, Berlin.

Lecture 1: "Die Arbeit (in) der Demokratie"

* Commentary: Ruth Yeoman (University of Oxford)

Lecture 2: "Die Wirklichkeit der gesellschaftlichen Arbeit"

* Commentary: Christine Wimbauer (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Lecture 3: "Der Kampf um die gesellschaftliche Arbeit"

* Commentary: Andrea Komlosy (University of Vienna)

A summary of Honneth's lectures is published in "taz am Wochenende" (June 12, 2021):Axel Honneth - "Der arbeitende Souverän".

An interview with Honneth: „Alternativen zur Lohnarbeit schaffen“ (Der Tagesspiegel, June 11, 2021).