Recognition and Freedom
Axel Honneth’s Political Thought
Ed. by Jonas Jakobsen & Odin Lysaker
(Brill, 2015)
286 pages
Recognition and Freedom brings together leading international scholars to discuss the political thought of the social philosopher Axel Honneth. In addition to providing an introduction to Honneth’s political thought, the book examines topics such as education, solidarity, multiculturalism, agonism, neo-liberalism and the ways in which these issues challenge core aspects of liberal democracies. The book includes an interview with Axel Honneth in the light of his most recent work, Freedom’s Right, as well as an essay by him previously unpublished in English.
Contents [preview]
Introduction - Odin Lysaker & Jonas Jakobsen
1. Education and the Democratic Public Sphere [video] [German text] - Axel Honneth
2. Recognition, Education, and Civic Equality - Simon Laumann Jørgensen
3. Recognition, Solidarity, and the Politics of Esteem - Arto Laitinen
4. Sociality, Anti-Sociality, and Social Work - Heikki Ikäheimo
5. Dimensions of Freedom: Axel Honneth’s Critique of Liberalism - Morten Raffnsøe-Møller
6. Surplus of Indeterminacy: A Hegelian Critique of Neoliberalism - Arne Johan Vetlesen
7. Democratic Disagreement and Embodied Dignity - Odin Lysaker
8. Contextualising Religious Pain: Saba Mahmood, Axel Honneth, and the Danish Cartoons - Jonas Jakobsen
9. Inquiries into Identity: The Struggle for Recognition in Erik Allardt’s Study of Ethnic Conflicts - Arvi-Antti Särkelä
10. Ultimate Values and Immanent Critique - Carl-Göran Heidegren
11. Writing History from a Normative Point of View - Jørgen Pedersen
12. Freedom, Solidarity, and Democracy: An Interview with Axel Honneth - Morten Raffnsøe-Møller
Jonas Jakobsen is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tromsø, Norway.
Odin Lysaker is Associate Professor at the University of Agder, Norway.
See also "Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy" (2013 no, 1), which features six essays on Axel Honneth's book "Freedom’s Right" and a reply by Honneth.