Thursday, June 14, 2018

Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice

The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice

Edited by Serena Olsaretti

(Oxford University Press, June 2018)

752 pages


Distributive justice has come to the fore in political philosophy in recent decades: how should we arrange our social and economic institutions so as to distribute fairly the benefits and burdens of social cooperation? Thirty-two leading figures from philosophy and political theory present specially written critical assessments of the state of research on a broad range of questions about distributive justice. The first seventeen chapters examine different views of distributive justice and its role in political philosophy, and consider some key methodological questions facing theorists of justice. The remaining fifteen chapters investigate questions about the implementation of distributive justice with regard to a range of aspects of society, including gender, race, the family, education, work, health, language, migration, and climate change.

Contents [preview]

Abstracts of each chapter here.

Introduction: The Idea of Distributive Justice - Serena Olsaretti

Part I - Contemporary Approaches

1. Rawls on Distributive Justice & the Difference Principle - Samuel Freeman
2. Dworkin and Luck Egalitarianism: A Comparison (pdf) - Richard Arneson
3. Equality versus Priority (pdf) - Michael Otsuka & Alex Voorhoeve
4. Sufficiency and Needs-Based Approaches - Gillian Brock
5. The Capability Approach - Ingrid Robeyns
6. Libertarianism, Left and Right - Joseph Mazor & Peter Vallentyne
7. Desert-Based Justice - Jeffrey Moriarty

Part II - Distributive Justice and Other Virtues

8. Retributive Justice - Larry Alexander
9. The Good Society - Stephen Wall
10.The Ethics of Care - Virginia Held
11. The Theory and Politics of Recognition - Colin Bird

Part III - Foundational Disputes

12. Distributive justice and Human Nature - Paula Casal
13. Political and Distributive Justice - Chad Van Shoelandt & Gerald Gaus
14. Consequentialism and Deontology - Jonathan Quong
15. Ideal Justice - David Schmidtz
16. Constructivism, Intuitionism, Ecumenism - Aaron James
17. Conceptual Analysis - Matthew Kramer

Part IV - The Application of Distributive Justice

18. Gender - Anca Gheaus
19. The Family - Colin Macleod
20. Education - Matthew Clayton
21. Health - Shlomi Segall
22. Discrimination - Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
23. Race - Bernard R. Boxill
24. Work - Paul Gomberg
25. Exploitation - Ben Ferguson & Hillel Steiner
26. Public Goods - David Miller & Isaac Taylor
27. Cultural and Religious Minorities - Peter Jones
28. Language - Alan Patten
29. Justice Beyond Borders - Michael Blake
30. Migration - Sarah Fine
31. Climate Change - Simon Caney
32. Future Generations - Rahul Kumar

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